Today's HR Daily Advisor Tip:

Interview Checklist--The 25 Forbidden Questions

Topic: Hiring and Recruiting

Oct. 2nd, 2008

In yesterday's Advisor, legal landmines for interviewers. Today, a handy checklist for interviewers from BLR's HR Audit Checklists.

Check each forbidden question to indicate your awareness that it cannot be asked in employment interviews.

Forbidden Questions—Age
  1. "How old are you?"
  2. "What is your date of birth?"
(You may ask, "Do you meet the state minimum age requirement for work?" and "Are you over 18 and under age 65?")

Forbidden Questions—Availability for Work and Travel
  3. "Can you work Saturdays and Sundays?"
  4. "Do you have children?"
  5. "What are your child care arrangements?"
(You may ask, "These are the hours of work—can you attend work during these hours?" and "Work sometimes requires overtime. Can you work such a schedule?" and "Do you have any obligations that would keep you from work-related travel?")

Forbidden Questions—Birthplace and Citizenship
  6. "Where were you born?"
  7. "What is your native language?"
(You may ask, "Are you legally authorized to work in the United States?")

Forbidden Questions—Clubs and Affiliations
  8. "To what organizations do you belong?"
  9. "Do you want to tell me about any of your memberships relating to the performance of this job?"

Forbidden Questions—Disabilities
  10. "Do you have a disability?"
  11. "Have you ever filed for workers' compensation?"
  12. "Have you ever been treated for any of the following conditions or diseases (followed by a checklist of various illnesses)?"
  13. "How many days were you absent from work because of illness last year?"
  14. "What prescription medications are you taking?"
  15. "Is there any health-related reason you may not be able to perform the job for which you are applying?"
(You may ask, "Can you perform the essential functions of the job for which you are applying?" and "Can you demonstrate to me how you would perform those functions?")

Forbidden Questions—Economic status
  16. "Have you ever had your wages garnished?"
  17. "Do you own your own home?"
  18. "How long do you plan to work on this job?"
  19. "Have you ever filed for bankruptcy?"

Forbidden Questions—Name
  20. "Have you ever had your name changed?"
  21. "What is your maiden name?"
(You may ask, "Is there any additional information we need about your name to verify your employment/education record?")

Forbidden Questions—Relatives
  22. "Who is the relative to be notified in case of emergency?"
  23. "Are you married?"
  24. "Do you have children?"
  25. "Do you plan to get pregnant?"